A Series of Miracles

The whole world is a series of miracles, but we’re so used to them we call them ordinary things.

Hans Christian Andersen

I am thankful for those of you who share your stray gifts with me and allow me to share them on my blog! Here is the latest addition to the growing record of graces.

Top row (left to right): 1) My aunt and uncle have the opportunity to work for their local Parks and Recreation Department. They will be working in a day-use area checking people in. “It has a beach, picnic tables with grills, volleyball and horseshoes”, my aunt shared. The view of the trees and water can be seen from their camper! Such a peaceful view! They have worked at camps before and love doing it. 2) Last week, we noticed our air conditioner unit wasn’t working when the house kept feeling warmer throughout the day. We opened our bedroom windows that night and there was such a nice breeze! Sleeping bliss! 3) My friend Jonna found these wildflowers for her sister whose health had taken a turn for the worse a few weeks ago. Jonna picked them in a field nearby to bring to the hospital room. Beauty can be found even during difficult days. I’m glad she shared that with me. I mentioned Jonna in a previous blog post (The Blesser Himself) when her mom passed away. Her sister has since passed away as well. Please pray for Jonna and her family as the funeral is tomorrow (Wednesday, May 1) and in the days ahead.

Middle Row: 1) Earlier in the year, Jonathan and I divided a large day lily into three separate plants and they are doing well! Also thriving (the plant on the far left) is a yellow bell. It was just a stick with roots when we took it out of the ground and potted it, but we know it comes back every year and had hoped for the best. We pulled it up because it was too close to our wisteria and partly because we wanted to bring it from El Paso to where we live now in NM. 2) While visiting my dad’s house in El Paso, I noticed the roses blooming! 3) The cardinal photo was sent to me by a friend in PA. Stunning!

Bottom Row: 1) The photo of the steeple was sent by the same friend in PA. This view is right across from her office. I love steeples! 2) One of the companies I order craft supplies from always sends a card like this with a cute crafty saying with every order. This one made me laugh because I like to make cards and send them out. I sent the photo to a few others who are a part of my ‘encouragement/card sending’ group. 3) Another craft company I order from sent me a gift! It is their 10th anniversary and to loyal customers, they sent a stamp set with our names. There are three stamps included. One says, “crafted with love by”, another is my first and last name (how neat!), and the last is a pretty flower.

Our everyday, ordinary things are pretty special, aren’t they? A series of miracles…I like that.


6 thoughts on “A Series of Miracles

  1. Thank you for sharing this article.
    It was a blessing as always. Every time I see your handiwork I stop and read it. It is filled with exciting things. God bless you!
    I too am a miracle, and God’s handiwork for sure!

  2. I love Stray Gifts. It seems your post always comes just when I need encouraging the most. Thank you for taking the time to share with us. I love you and appreciate the time and effort you put into your cards and encouraging us through Stray Gifts.
    Aunt Madeline

    1. Aunt Madeline, I always love when others share with me their very own stray gifts. It encourages me when I’m feeling discouraged, too.

  3. It wasn’t until I read the book 1000 Stray Gifts that you recommended. It changed the way I see everything.
    The beauty is truly in the small things.
    Enjoy your posts so much on A Record of Graces. ❤️
    Keep up the good word.

    1. Aunt Carol, I have been thinking about reading the One Thousand Gifts book again. It’s one that needs revisiting from time to time. It was life-changing and I’m so glad to share the same thoughts with you on the book. Thank you for your encouragement in this ministry as well as my cardmaking/sending one.

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