Stray Gifts

Pleasure is spread through the earth in stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.

William Wordsworth, 1806

I shared this quote last week with a photo I had taken of white roses during a visit to the local rose garden. I am always looking to capture something pretty during the day no matter where I am to share on social media and I like to pair them with inspirational quotes or Bible verses. The phrase “stray gifts” from the above quote kept going through my head the day I posted it on Facebook.  Are there such things as “stray gifts”? Or are they put there intentionally in my path and I am the stray? Because my thoughts ramble, my feet wander, does God put things in my way to cause me to stop in awe and reflect? Through God’s favor, I am given miracles every day. Do I notice? Am I looking for them? The red-chested finches chirping at the bird feeder and bright orange mums returning for the third year in a row. Morning Glory vines growing along the backyard wall that I didn’t plant (I suspect a bird transported the seeds). Scents of honeysuckle, roses, and star jasmine on the breeze. Sunsets glowing red through back-of-the-house windows. All these things I see, hear, and smell whether by Providence, by accident, or by grace. And they are spread all over the place. When I stop and take note, I make time for God. And when I make time for God, I celebrate the time He designed for me to be with Him and receive the gifts He placed in my path.